Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Do this: Get the Nike+ GPS App while it's free

The Nike+ GPS iPhone application that I have blogged about is free in the iTunes app store for a limited time.

Nike+ is celebrating its fifth anniversary.  The other day I had a problem with the GPS app -- it lost me.  (This is the first time that has happened to me.)  So, when it updated my Facebook feed for me (automatically) I was sure to add that even though it said I ran 5 miles, I really ran 6.

Which got me thinking about pre-Nike+ technology.  When I trained for the marathon in 1999, if I needed to run 6 miles, I'd drive 20 minutes to go to Lady Bird Lake and run probably a 4 mile loop, then to the 1 mile marker and back.  (At the time there wasn't a 3 mile loop.)   With this app, I just walk out my front door and run until it tells me to stop.  It's extremely freeing, and such a time saver now that I have even less time in my life.

So, go download it now while it's still free!

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